When I say "where does the time go?" What I really am doing is hearing my grandmother's voice, if I had a dollar for everytime I heard her say that... wow. Is it me, or once you have kids do things just automatically go on fast forward.... but the real question is does it ever slow down?
Sometimes, I think that all of these conventions that we have to save time... really steal time in the long run. What ever did we do before everyone had cell phones, microwaves, tivo, email, or even the Internet for that matter? I mean wasn't life less stressful then? Or was it that way, just because I was young and didn't have any kids?
My new summer resolution (yes you can have those) is to not stress so much... because like it or lump it, life isn't stopping for no one! So in the words of Bueller "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."