Monday, 2 September 2013

30 Day Challenge

After watching a TED talk the other night about setting a goal for yourself for 30 days, I decided, I too wanted to embark on something like this.  So today at work while discussing this with my colleagues I decided that my challenge would be to sit down once a day and write a handwritten letter to a friend or family member.  The idea being that after a month 30 people will have gotten a message in the post from me, letting them know that they matter.

Now a days we have so little time, and I wish that I spent more of it on the people in my circle that have always been there to support me. So this month is going to be about thanking them.  Thanking them with my time and consideration.  Today, I sat down and wrote my first note, it took me 20 minutes and I enjoyed every second of it! The reflection that comes with putting pen to paper is truly wonderful.  I really understand why people journal, why the best therapy can be that inner dialogue between your brain and your fingers either scribbling away on a paper, or dancing on the keyboard.  My goals for this challenge are 1. to actually complete it, and 2. to encourage others to do the same.  I guess only time will tell! Tomorrow I know who will be getting letter number two and I am already planning what I want to say in it to her!

Going to bed excited tonight, and I'm shocked to realize how often that has been happening lately, since getting healthy and spending time cultivating art and expression in my life.  I'm so happy to be back here, it literally has been years since visiting this state.