Wednesday, 29 January 2014

30 day shred

Today is
day 4 of the 30 day shred and I'm sore but determined to continue. It does seem like a lot with 26 days ahead of Jillian Michaels yelling at you, but I'm feeling resolved to finish it, and may it not be the last of my 30 day challenges. 
I've been using cans of coconut milk instead of hand weights, Gustav saw me working out and wanted to join so he ran and got his cola bottles from his toy kitchen. He was a champ! And was very bent on hydrating from my water every 2 minutes. I fear that I've awoke with a touch of his cold, but the challenge must go on! 😉
#30dayshred #shred #handweights #30daychallenge 

Sunday, 26 January 2014

The Secret Lives of Bees

Today I took a first step in an idea I've had since seeing my husbands grandfather's abandoned bee hives 17 years ago.  What a shame I thought that these hives are sitting in storage just waiting for a queen to move in.  Well fast forward 17 years, and there I was in my classroom sharing a TED talk on the disappearance of bees, and how desperately they need our help.  It was only a week afterwards that I was contacted by one of my student's mother who wanted to tip me off on a beekeeping course that would be starting this spring in Karlskrona.  I thought well if I don't take this chance now, the risk is those hives will still be empty for years to come.  I've already planned to plant some clover and wild underbrush that are rich in nutrient for the hive.  I can't imagine I just might be a keeper of bees, and if I dare to dream maybe even a bee charmer.