Saturday, 10 May 2014

The loppis season has started

For the past 2 weekends I've visited the local Loppis with my friends and kids. So far I've managed to start a few upcycling projects with some of these favorite finds.
I took some vintage tea towels and sewed some pillow cases for the balcony sofa. I especially like the pillow with the M embroidered on it because my grandmothers name was Mary, and up side down it reads W which was my other grandmother Winifred's first  initial. A bit of an homage to them. 

This was an oil painting I found today and for 150kr I had to take it home. It is one of the small islands in Bohuslรคn. The painting is over 30 years old and in great shape. It really was love a first sight. 

This is a copper pot that I picked up for 20kr and now it is one of my favorite planters on the balcony. 

I feel a new weakness coming on and that's for handmade baskets. 

I found another old bicycle basket that we filled with lavender and begonias in the top one.

Last year I spray painted these planters in neon pink and green, this summer I'm falling for pastel so they got a new makeover. 

 I've looked at this print "svala" a few times but today I couldn't resist this large bowl. ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—