Monday, 20 February 2012

Support school

This week I've been working as a homework helper at support school for those students in jr. High that have fallen behind for different reasons. This is the 10th year I've been involved with the project that was headed up by my former headmaster Anders. Anders is retiring next month so now support school has been transplanted to another school.
I'm sad to think about not working with Anders. It was thanks to him that I was able to go back to school while still working and finish my thesis in didactics.
When I teach psychology A at high school, one of the terms we cover is our "spegaljag" in English our self-image and how we form it by how we perceive: how others see us. In short if we think others look up to us we have a higher opinion of our capabilities than if we perceive that others see us negatively. I have to say that Anders always gave me the feeling that I was capable and that I was worthy. I wish we all had people around us that gave us this impression. It makes me realize that this is how I want to make the people around me feel, I want them to see themselves in my eyes as the best versions of themselves. Just think if I could do that with my students, if they could see themselves as smart and talented and confident just because they believe that is what I think they are...
I feel as if I've had a break through moment in my teaching career right now at this very second as I sit here and write this. And the least I can say is thank you Anders.

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