Today while cleaning my kitchen I was listening to the radio as usual. After every few songs comes a slew of ads which are annoying, I usually change stations or just tune them out with my highly developed selective hearing, but today my radar picked something up that had me smiling for hours.
The radio ad was actually for selling radio time to companies who are looking for employees- so instead of taking out a help wanted ad in the local paper you could have a voice ad on their station. OK, so far so good, then we get to their selling point of why air time is better than the regular run of the mill help wanted ads in the paper....
....wait for it....
the woman announcer in her perky voice states.... "maybe the person that best fits your employment needs doesn't know where to even find your help wanted ad! that's why radio ads are better."
Okay back the truck up for just a second people, I'm thinking who the heck is in this target group? You mean to tell me there are a bunch of companies desperately searching for someone that doesn't read the help wanted ads in the paper when looking for work!!!! why? Are these candidates too stupid? Illiterate perhaps? or so unmotivated that picking up a newspaper to find a job is just too hard. I'm I the only one that is perplexed by this.
Anyway, Friday is finally here, Alfred and Henrik have gone to the carwash, it's half price after nine at night. He's a frugal man after my dad's heart!
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