Do you remember when you were a kid and having to go to bed was like punishment? Tonight Alfred pleaded his case not have to go to bed by pointing out that it wasn't even dark outside. It made me realize how adulthood really creeps up on you. I mean Alfred doesn't want to go to bed, I can't wait to collapse into it, he wants the light on, I relish total darkness, he wants to listen to music, I would love a pair of earplugs (if I didn't have to listen for the twins).
Life is funny that way, I mean perspective is really the key, sometimes when I am really stressed I fantasize about being thrown into jail for a week or two. I mean just think about it, your punishment is you have to stay in a cell with a bed to relax in and just read or sleep. Then you get to come out and eat 3 squares, prepared for you, and don't forget some time in the yard for fresh air and exercise. I'm mean come on it's like a spa vacation compared to tough days or nights when kids are sick keeping you up all hours.
Maybe I've come up with a new way for jails to generate income, they can have a wing solely devoted to sleep deprived wives and mothers. Just think your husband could come home and surprise you with an all inclusive stay at the big house. I guess the down side is there is always the risk someone could slip you the shiv when you least expect it.
Life is funny that way, I mean perspective is really the key, sometimes when I am really stressed I fantasize about being thrown into jail for a week or two. I mean just think about it, your punishment is you have to stay in a cell with a bed to relax in and just read or sleep. Then you get to come out and eat 3 squares, prepared for you, and don't forget some time in the yard for fresh air and exercise. I'm mean come on it's like a spa vacation compared to tough days or nights when kids are sick keeping you up all hours.
Maybe I've come up with a new way for jails to generate income, they can have a wing solely devoted to sleep deprived wives and mothers. Just think your husband could come home and surprise you with an all inclusive stay at the big house. I guess the down side is there is always the risk someone could slip you the shiv when you least expect it.
I'll keep this plan on the back burner for awhile and cling to the fact that in 12 years I will have 3 teenage boys that won't move before noon.
I just wanted to say what a wonderful photo you've got here! I'd actually love to have a copy, if that's not too much trouble? /Maria