I was surfing on my iphone, yes I love to say that "my iphone", does name dropping count when it's a object instead of a person? It's just I've never had cool electronics, when everyone had flip phones I had a brick that was one step away from having a huge antenna poking out the top. Anyway I was surfing, like I said on my Iphone4, oh did I mention it was a 4... and I came across this list of random things I wrote down about myself... not so interesting but neither is this blog, so what the heck here it is! I wrote it two years ago just before Henrik and I took a mini break to London sans the one kid that we had at the time. We stayed in a so called posh expensive hotel that was the worst... warning stay away from the Paddington Hilton... it had no hot water and they just ignored us when we called to complain everyday for four days! I mean come on, London is grimmy enough without being able to shower... so here they are with no further ado!
1. I love to watch cooking shows, and as a child when I use to make pancakes I would pretend I was making them in front of a live audience instructing them not to flip them until the tiny bubbles had popped and stayed open.
2. I'm only an early bird when I don't have to get up.
3. My face book is getting full with my students and it's making me feel old.
4. If I was to work in a retail store, it would have to be a stationary store, I think I would be undoubtedly their most devoted employee I would never want to leave! Can't get enough of them, there is a store in Sweden called "Everything in Order" Ordning och reda and I get goose bumps in there.
5. Try introducing Baking Soda to a Swede,,,,, they ask what do you do with it..... you answer well you can bake cookies with it, brush your teeth with it, clean your tub and sink with it, deodorize your fridge and get rid of onion smells, you can put it on the carpet before you vacuumed, and then it hits you wow Baking Soda doesn't sound like something you'd want to ingest!
6. Sometimes when I am stressed I think wow people in jail must have it pretty good, I mean you get 3 squares a day, get to go out in the yard for some fresh air, get to lay about in a cell and just read, no phone calls, screaming kids, bills to pay, grocery shopping to do.... man maybe we should look into weekend jail retreats for stressed out teachers!
7. If I would open a Disney World Attraction, it would be a trip to any decade you wanted, like the 50's, so you show up and you enter the gates and you would spend a week like the Clevers! I think I'd pick the 70's though eat fondue and listen to the Be gees and watch Saturday Night Fever.
8. Morning coffee in bed is close to Heaven on Earth if you ask me.
9. I don't understand people who choose to spend money on expensive "sitting room" furniture that only gets used twice a year and sleep in uncomfortable beds with scratchy sheets, and foam jobber pillows. Come on people, it's all about the comfortable bed, and there should be tons of pillows!
10. I love vegans more meat and dairy for the rest of us!
11. Why do they even bother making seats in economy that recline,,,, oh yah the half a cm really did it for me thanks Air Canada!
12. I hate people who see that you are trying to change lanes and then they suddenly speed up and pretend that they don't see you beside them.... they are looking out of their front window as if they were using their superman vision to keep a bridge up ahead from collapsing.
13. I have flown more than once on Friday the 13th and the plane both times was full, I guess the good old days of beating the line ups due to superstitions are gone for good.
14. I hate getting my photo taken that's why I'm always the photographer.
15. For the first time in my life I am reading 5 books at the same time, it is so weird, I use to be all ocd about reading if I started a book, I had to finish it no matter how bad it was, and I couldn't start a new one until I finished the current one.
16.I secretly love\hate Martha Stewart. So I watch her show, but I just love, love , love it when I guest makes fun of her or makes a joke, cause she never gets it!, or when they correct her or even worse disobey her and her crazy controlling nature takes over and you can see it her eyes that she just wants to run them down with her car!
17. Wow how many of these do I have to write, I thought 25 random things would be easy for someone like me.
18. I try to laugh at myself when I trip even in no one sees me!
19. If I was ever in the Olympics I would like to be the last place guy! The guy who they know is going to come last unless someone gets injured half way through the event. Why you might ask!, well you wouldn't have to take the training thing too seriously, you could actually enjoy the events and other athletes, and then you'd still have the cool Olympic gear with out all the worry, pressure and stress.
20. What event would I do well in, it would have to be board games that do not involve skill.
21. If I could be a judge on a reality show it would be first: Top Chef, come on they get paid to eat! then Project Runway just so Tim Gunn could expand my vocabulary, and lastly I hate to admit this but yes America's next top model.- no comment on why!
22. I can't wait until Alfred is older and when he complains, I can say,,,, well yah when I was a kid we didn't even have a remote control for our TV, plus you had to use the needle nose pliers to change the channel because the Dial broke off.
23. I only crave A&W root beer when I'm in Maple Ridge. in the frosty mug of course. I worked there for 2 weeks and I hated it! The uniforms were 100% poly! uhhhh
24. When I am home alone I eat cereal out of a mixing bowel,, okay I am telling a lie, I do it in front of Henrik too, Heck if you come to my house I'll pour you one too, infont of the TV.
25. Sleep is always the best medicine, that and nightquil extra strength, a few too many bottles of that in my house and I'd turn into a self medicating 50's wife, thank God it's not sold in Sweden. I have to rely on friends and family to hook me up.
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