Book club for me this Thursday opened my eyes to something so important, profound and humbling that I haven't been able to let it go. We, otherwise know as "readers without boarders-karlskrona chapter", got together at Maria's around a table of small feasts. From the time we came in through the door, the atmosphere was like, curling up as a child on the soffa after a wonderful time in the snow. That's how I describe that warm and fuzzy feeling I got, I imagine it's different for others, but growing up in Sault Ste. Marie, where temperatures were often in the -40, this is what I cling to when I think of cosy.
Right now sitting here, I recall a glow around the room where we all sat, huddled around that table, it was the glow of friendship, but mostly, I think, and I may be speaking out of turn, it was the glow of true gratefulness. The greatfulness, that we had found each other, and started something that from the begining had exceeded our expectiations. What was to be a book club, had somehow transformed into something we were all thristing for, an intimacy with other women that is only portrayed in great films and books, but rarely experienced and here we are in the midst of it, scared probably to even acknowleged it in fears that it will disappear. It may disappear, but I have experienced it and what it opened my eyes to was this.
As we sat around talking sharing happy, sad, remosful, funny and joyful stories, I remembered one Christmas Eve where I was particually low, it was before the kids were born and I was brought to tears...just then Lydia interjects and says "I remember this you came round to me and spent Christmas day at my place." Being half way through my story I didn't relfect on what she said until later that night and kept coming back to it all day. When I think back to the tough times, so many of these strong, beautiful, intelligent, empathic women have been there for me. All of a sudden I was overwhelmed with remorse, for not letting them know what they mean to me or have done for me. The word friend is thrown around so much, but truly how blessed can a person be, these friends I have are amazing,,, I want to name drop them like someone on a red carpet trying to sneak into an event. Thank you girls and those of you who are not in the book club that have always been there for me Thank you. As the proverb goes... shared sorrow is half and shared joy is doubled!
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