Sunday, 29 January 2012

Alvin and the Chipmunks!

Today I had a great time at the movies with Alfred and his friend Noah and his mom Ulrika, Friday night date night can be replaced with Sunday afternoon show anyday! Tomorrow new challenges lie ahead... but for now I am just going to enjoy a quiet evening on the couch with my family!

Saturday, 28 January 2012

Debbie downer!!

These past few weeks have been so exciting ... But instead we got stuck in red tape! I'm usually the last person to give up hoping for the best but tonight the wind is just out of my sail! Well girls we had fun planning the trip!

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Just went mobile

In the exciting possibilities that lie ahead I just downloaded the blogger app

Sunday, 8 January 2012

The Closet!

No I'm not coming out of it...rather trying to get into it! So far my 15 min organizing stint everyday has been a success, today I finally got into my closet, the clutter of old clothes, skinny clothes, and summer clothes are now organized away! Kind of feel like super women at the moment! Which makes me look forward to next months resolution, getting back into running! So the lovely Helena found a great website and shared it with me it was called couch to 5km in eight weeks, so technically it would be for the next month as well as March! I saw the greatest organization tip yesterday it was a way to organize scarfs! Guess what I'm going to buy on my lunch break? Check out the photo! I love this, I think it's something I'm going to have to share with the girls, as we are all addicted to scarves at the moment! Okay back to work! There is a back to work/school bag waiting for me to pack!

Monday, 2 January 2012

My laptop old Friend

Today I organized my purse! And yes when I put everything out on the table that I had in there it was an OMG moment! I think the best was that blue candy dish, yes that was in there! So I have a question for you... What's in your purse?
Last night Henke and I were going over paint and tile colours and by accident when I went to move my screen I heard a crack and suddenly my screen was black with a bunch of rainbow colored lines here and there.
My first reaction was to panic! Fingers crossed! It will be working again in 3 weeks.
Oh I almost forgot! My high school friend Karin, decided to have 12 New Year's resolutions one for each month, and I thought that was a fantastic idea! So for January I will spend 15 minutes organizing something... hense the purse! But boy does it feel great afterwards,,, and everyone has 15 minutes to spare! So here comes question 2 - What is your new month resolution?

Passport Time

Today I spent an hour waiting to have my passport photo taken, and yet once again, I look like a deer caught in headlights! Then it dawned on me this is probably quite close to how I actually look when heading off the long haul flights back home, especially when we fly with the kids.

Today I spent time enjoying my girlfriends that came over for waffels and coffee, instead of running around and cleaning the house. After they left I put the little ones down for a nap and Alfred helped me clean the kitchen. How nice I thought! Wrong in the mean time the twins had both taken off their diapers and poohed on the floor and bed! It was another hour until I got them and the room sorted out! God give me the strenght!

Tonight I'm listening to my own advice and I am going to go to bed early, so I can get a head start on the million of organization projects that are waiting for my attention.

Sunday, 1 January 2012

The New Year Resolutions... again and again

Once again here we are the first of January and already those New Year resolutions I set feel as if they are fleeting away. So here I sit and write, in order to help find that motivation to get started! This year I want to: 1. Stay organized 2. Listen and ask Questions and 3. Enjoy the little things!

I found a Vlog while surfing over the holidays called Organized Mummy and I am totally addicted! Not only is she hilarious but she is resourceful too! Many of the things that she suggests don’t translate to my life here in Sweden but I appreciate the encouragement! If you get a chance check her out! She gives 1 minute tips of the day that are always fun to watch.

So, enjoy the little things.. today it was spending a lazy day with my family in pj's. I made Alfred his favorite breakfast cream of wheat and apple sause and watched Cars for the 109th time with a latte and 3 satisfied kids! The listen and ask questions, I tried to start a dialog with someone in my family via sms over the past 2 days. We haven't really talked for 5 years and I have no idea why? Maybe this is a good start. 3. Getting organized I am going to go through all of my documents and put them in the right folders, as well as get rid of old email in my inbox! Cheers and happy New Year!