No I'm not coming out of it...rather trying to get into it! So far my 15 min organizing stint everyday has been a success, today I finally got into my closet, the clutter of old clothes, skinny clothes, and summer clothes are now organized away! Kind of feel like super women at the moment! Which makes me look forward to next months resolution, getting back into running! So the lovely Helena found a great website and shared it with me it was called couch to 5km in eight weeks, so technically it would be for the next month as well as March! I saw the greatest organization tip yesterday it was a way to organize scarfs! Guess what I'm going to buy on my lunch break? Check out the photo! I love this, I think it's something I'm going to have to share with the girls, as we are all addicted to scarves at the moment! Okay back to work! There is a back to work/school bag waiting for me to pack!
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