Sunday, 1 January 2012

The New Year Resolutions... again and again

Once again here we are the first of January and already those New Year resolutions I set feel as if they are fleeting away. So here I sit and write, in order to help find that motivation to get started! This year I want to: 1. Stay organized 2. Listen and ask Questions and 3. Enjoy the little things!

I found a Vlog while surfing over the holidays called Organized Mummy and I am totally addicted! Not only is she hilarious but she is resourceful too! Many of the things that she suggests don’t translate to my life here in Sweden but I appreciate the encouragement! If you get a chance check her out! She gives 1 minute tips of the day that are always fun to watch.

So, enjoy the little things.. today it was spending a lazy day with my family in pj's. I made Alfred his favorite breakfast cream of wheat and apple sause and watched Cars for the 109th time with a latte and 3 satisfied kids! The listen and ask questions, I tried to start a dialog with someone in my family via sms over the past 2 days. We haven't really talked for 5 years and I have no idea why? Maybe this is a good start. 3. Getting organized I am going to go through all of my documents and put them in the right folders, as well as get rid of old email in my inbox! Cheers and happy New Year!

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