Today I spent an hour waiting to have my passport photo taken, and yet once again, I look like a deer caught in headlights! Then it dawned on me this is probably quite close to how I actually look when heading off the long haul flights back home, especially when we fly with the kids.
Today I spent time enjoying my girlfriends that came over for waffels and coffee, instead of running around and cleaning the house. After they left I put the little ones down for a nap and Alfred helped me clean the kitchen. How nice I thought! Wrong in the mean time the twins had both taken off their diapers and poohed on the floor and bed! It was another hour until I got them and the room sorted out! God give me the strenght!
Tonight I'm listening to my own advice and I am going to go to bed early, so I can get a head start on the million of organization projects that are waiting for my attention.
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