I attended a CAS workshop with ibsca this past weekend and it was great! The first culture shock came when the taxi driver called me sweetheart! I can still laugh thinking what that would be like here in Sweden! I could just see another teacher in the staff room asking me "pass the newspaper love."
Unfortunately there was no time for shopping but we managed to find an Asda in the neighborhood, and 30 minutes later I was a hundred pounds poorer but had found gifts for everyone and some essential toiletries for myself since I forgot my makeup bag at home. I found some cars underwear for Edvin, he has been out of diapers for two days so far and he's doing fabulously! Gustav on the other hand has no interest and every time we suggest it he says "nej tack!"
Today I'm having a much needed lazy day in pjs awaiting a visit from little kalle. In the meantime I've been thinking about all the great things our new school can do with CAS!
Wednesday, 3 October 2012
Monday, 20 August 2012
Finally we all piled into our little boat to enjoy an afternoon in the archipelago. The kids had a blast and the best part as always with a day out on the sea ... they all fell asleep without a fuss!
Sunday, 19 August 2012
In 2 weeks time I'm going up to Stockholm to run the famous tjejmilen. The only problem is I haven't been out running. I just started this lchf diet and every time I try to run my legs feel like lead after the first km. People have told me it's because of the lack of carbs but on the other hand I've already lost 3 kg and I really don't want to go off of the diet! A friend suggested a compromise just before running and after drink a carb smoothie. So I'm going to give it a try!
I've been back at work for a week now and I still haven't found my rhythm I feel absolutely frustrated and I don't know why. I can't help feeling weird vibes and of course I go to the absolute extreme explanation which always in my head leads back to my fault... I found a new super hero who will remind me to let things go she is called Anxiety girl! I'm going to print out a photo of her and put it up on my bulletin board at work, hopefully then I'll be able to let some things go!
Here is a picture of her for anyone else that has the same problem as I do.
I've been back at work for a week now and I still haven't found my rhythm I feel absolutely frustrated and I don't know why. I can't help feeling weird vibes and of course I go to the absolute extreme explanation which always in my head leads back to my fault... I found a new super hero who will remind me to let things go she is called Anxiety girl! I'm going to print out a photo of her and put it up on my bulletin board at work, hopefully then I'll be able to let some things go!
Here is a picture of her for anyone else that has the same problem as I do.
Sunday, 8 July 2012
The new school
Friday was an exciting day, my co-workers and I got the opportunity to tour the old jail and meet the Indonesian investors behind the new Ib school where we have been offered jobs. Later I rushed back to work to meet with my last summer school students and 3 hours later I was at my inlaws place celebrating our 6 year olds birthday with family!
Saturday was the Gillen's annual lamb BBQ in jamjo and as always, a good time was had by all!
So you would guess today would be one of rest... But no, we are on our way to high chaparral with the carlsson's and the Vlachos families! I've got a cooked can on the stove for mini banoffie pies for desert and a my sites on a large cup of coffee before the boys wake up and realize today's the day we travel to the wild wild west!
Saturday was the Gillen's annual lamb BBQ in jamjo and as always, a good time was had by all!
So you would guess today would be one of rest... But no, we are on our way to high chaparral with the carlsson's and the Vlachos families! I've got a cooked can on the stove for mini banoffie pies for desert and a my sites on a large cup of coffee before the boys wake up and realize today's the day we travel to the wild wild west!
Tuesday, 3 July 2012
A time to Sew
This morning I rose with the sun which was just after 4 and decided to take full advantage of the empty quiet living room before it became overrun with children and cereal bowels.
My friend who is also my coworker and I had paid a little visit to ikea in the hopes of finding some fabric and curtains to brighten up our new office. There we found "Evalotta" a perfect blue print with birds on it.. And on sale to boot!
So 40 minutes later the wall hanging was sewn and ironed and the 4 sleeping boys were none the wiser.
Azades generous husband spent a good part of his morning risking life and limb up on a ladder for us at work removing the mustard coloured drapes that had been hanging there for I don't know how long, and replacing them with light blue linen ones.
Azade and I worked away at unpacking and organizing until lunch and I can't tell you how good it felt to sit there!
A strange thing happened though .. Other teachers that were there stumbled in and had one of two reactions... Wow this is so nice... Oh I want to fix up my office too, or some off handed remark about how it was a waste of time or money that they themselves would never spend.
But I know the truth and that is I love my new office space and I look forward to sitting there and in turn isn't that enough to make me a better teacher and coworker?
Thank you miss A for showing me the good side of office living... I'm sold now and I can never go back!
My friend who is also my coworker and I had paid a little visit to ikea in the hopes of finding some fabric and curtains to brighten up our new office. There we found "Evalotta" a perfect blue print with birds on it.. And on sale to boot!
So 40 minutes later the wall hanging was sewn and ironed and the 4 sleeping boys were none the wiser.
Azades generous husband spent a good part of his morning risking life and limb up on a ladder for us at work removing the mustard coloured drapes that had been hanging there for I don't know how long, and replacing them with light blue linen ones.
Azade and I worked away at unpacking and organizing until lunch and I can't tell you how good it felt to sit there!
A strange thing happened though .. Other teachers that were there stumbled in and had one of two reactions... Wow this is so nice... Oh I want to fix up my office too, or some off handed remark about how it was a waste of time or money that they themselves would never spend.
But I know the truth and that is I love my new office space and I look forward to sitting there and in turn isn't that enough to make me a better teacher and coworker?
Thank you miss A for showing me the good side of office living... I'm sold now and I can never go back!
Sunday, 1 July 2012
Yesterday we finally got the tufted headboard up that my mother made us! It was a milestone in our life with small kids finally we have a kid free zone in our house and I love it!! Unfortunately I woke up with a terrible cold but on the upside I've been stuck in bed reading and surfing the net!
Monday, 4 June 2012
Moving House and Moving Office
Three weeks ago we packed up the attic where were had been living for the past five and a half years and migrated south to the second floor. It was the best decision we ever made! Things are still in boxes and will be for awhile but I have a secret weapon, my mother is here visiting for another 3 weeks, and slowly but surely she is getting things organized and most importantly cordinated for me! So as they say strike while the iron is hot, I am moving to another office at work, and the majority of my free time is now spent thinking up colour schemes for my new shelf. Last year I covered all of my folders in matching material and now I'm wondering if I should keep the same colours or change it up? I'm drawing inspiration from the WWII poster Keep Clam and Carry on!

Thursday, 19 April 2012
Run Forrest run
Lately I've been adamant about following my running schedule and it's really paid off... But today after a great day at work for some reason I couldn't find my stride! Now I'm all freaked out what am I going to do if it's like this the day of the 5 km run in Växjö ?
I'm so down right now;( today's a new day and I'm just going to crawl into bed and hope for a better run next time
I'm so down right now;( today's a new day and I'm just going to crawl into bed and hope for a better run next time
Sunday, 1 April 2012
A visit from high school
Last weekend my high school friend Laurie was in Switzerland so she decided to pop up and see us for a long weekend! It was so strange to have my two worlds meet and suddenly I got to see my new hometown through the eyes of my old hometown! We spent most of the time catching up on all the news, remembering how we were as teenagers, and laughing about how things look so different now when we are the parents. Laurie has a 15 year old daughter and hearing her "side" of it could of been cut from the same cloth of our rebellious days. It seems her daughter has the same smart mouth that we did and I just sat back and said .. I bet your mom (grandmother) is loving this now ;)
Next month my mom is coming here and lucky for me I have little boys and for the time being they don't sass me ... Which means my payback is still at bay, at least for now;)
Next month my mom is coming here and lucky for me I have little boys and for the time being they don't sass me ... Which means my payback is still at bay, at least for now;)
Saturday, 17 March 2012
24 hour roller coaster ride
It's almost six o'clock and if I'm totally honest I'm thinking only a little more than an hour until I can put the kids to bed for the night. I'm spent! Yesterday was crazy at work and all I could do was get mad and as everyone knows when I get mad the tears flow! So there I sat at my desk with puffy eyes and a red nose!
The best part was leaving it all behind and picking up the kids! I made a decision at my desk with the help of some of my colleagues that this weekend was going to be about rest and relaxation! Just enjoying the kids... I envisioned climbing into bed and just staying there all night! Careful what you wish for or at least specify!
We had our taco night as planned but everyone was tired and kind of down, the twins were fighting, Alfred was complaining and so it was the type of ending I would say was totally appropriate for the week we've had!
We managed to get a bit of work done in the flat down stairs and as I was just about to tuck myself in for the night while planning to get up early with the kids and finally get all that marking out of the way.. I heard it! It was if a baby seal was being held captive in the twins room! I knew immediately what this meant, Gustav's asthma was going to warrant a trip to the emergence room. At midnight Henke packed him up and headed out the door. As always it's heart breaking to see your children sick but there stood 2 year old Gustav with his jacket and hat on with his stuffed animal tucked under his arm looking up at me with his big blue tired eyes and a breathing sound that rivaled darth vader. Then he stretched out his little arm and pointed to his brother and called out "Edvin come.. Edvin följa med" then I realized how much comfort they are to each other, despite all the fighting and teasing! Edvin shuffled over in his pjs with feet and gave his scared little brother a half sleepy hug and said bye Bye Gustav.
Henke and Gustav returned after 3 am to find Edvin and I asleep. Gustav spent the rest of the night in our bed until our 5 year old came in at 6 am and said mommy I'm going to throw up. So today has been one of those days where you just have to give in and go with the flow! What else can you do? Tomorrow is Sunday and I'm hoping no one is sick because I'm off to a conference on Monday leaving my prince charming to hold down the fort!
The best part was leaving it all behind and picking up the kids! I made a decision at my desk with the help of some of my colleagues that this weekend was going to be about rest and relaxation! Just enjoying the kids... I envisioned climbing into bed and just staying there all night! Careful what you wish for or at least specify!
We had our taco night as planned but everyone was tired and kind of down, the twins were fighting, Alfred was complaining and so it was the type of ending I would say was totally appropriate for the week we've had!
We managed to get a bit of work done in the flat down stairs and as I was just about to tuck myself in for the night while planning to get up early with the kids and finally get all that marking out of the way.. I heard it! It was if a baby seal was being held captive in the twins room! I knew immediately what this meant, Gustav's asthma was going to warrant a trip to the emergence room. At midnight Henke packed him up and headed out the door. As always it's heart breaking to see your children sick but there stood 2 year old Gustav with his jacket and hat on with his stuffed animal tucked under his arm looking up at me with his big blue tired eyes and a breathing sound that rivaled darth vader. Then he stretched out his little arm and pointed to his brother and called out "Edvin come.. Edvin följa med" then I realized how much comfort they are to each other, despite all the fighting and teasing! Edvin shuffled over in his pjs with feet and gave his scared little brother a half sleepy hug and said bye Bye Gustav.
Henke and Gustav returned after 3 am to find Edvin and I asleep. Gustav spent the rest of the night in our bed until our 5 year old came in at 6 am and said mommy I'm going to throw up. So today has been one of those days where you just have to give in and go with the flow! What else can you do? Tomorrow is Sunday and I'm hoping no one is sick because I'm off to a conference on Monday leaving my prince charming to hold down the fort!
Sunday, 26 February 2012
A wedding... The planning is half the fun!
While I've been bedridden with this cold I've made good use of my imagination! A friend of mine got engaged this past Christmas and is planning to tie the knot this summer! It's been so long since I've been to a wedding and this has just reminded me of how much I love weddings! They really are great! I think the reason I enjoyed photographing them so much is because of the atmosphere. Everyone is dressed up and excited, love is in the air and all the smiling is contagious! Everyone is all teeth!
Wouldn't it be fun to be a wedding consultant! Sure I suppose there are bridezillas out there but mostly how could you not get swept up in all the wonderful things that go along with such an event!
I think of the 30 some weddings I've been to each one of them had something special that I took with me to savor in my thoughts later. As a amateur photographer I've been able to capture some of these on film and my top three are:
1. The moment everyone sees the bride for the first time
2. When they are exchanging their vows and looking into each others eyes, it's here there are so many emotions coming out in different ways, some cry, some laugh and some even blush, it always gets me to see the groom tearing up!
3. After they marry how everyone can't take their eyes off the couple and at first they are even pensive to approach them... The first brave guest usually tip toes over as if the couple is made of delicate china... Then after that there are hugs all around!
Oh how I love weddings but I love remembering the ones I have been to just as much! Thank you miss S for taking me down memory lane!
Wouldn't it be fun to be a wedding consultant! Sure I suppose there are bridezillas out there but mostly how could you not get swept up in all the wonderful things that go along with such an event!
I think of the 30 some weddings I've been to each one of them had something special that I took with me to savor in my thoughts later. As a amateur photographer I've been able to capture some of these on film and my top three are:
1. The moment everyone sees the bride for the first time
2. When they are exchanging their vows and looking into each others eyes, it's here there are so many emotions coming out in different ways, some cry, some laugh and some even blush, it always gets me to see the groom tearing up!
3. After they marry how everyone can't take their eyes off the couple and at first they are even pensive to approach them... The first brave guest usually tip toes over as if the couple is made of delicate china... Then after that there are hugs all around!
Oh how I love weddings but I love remembering the ones I have been to just as much! Thank you miss S for taking me down memory lane!
Saturday, 25 February 2012
The Wall is down
There has been a slight debate in the family on wether or not we should keep a wall up in the Living-room. I envisioned the hallway space as a cosy little library with my eccentric flea market finds along the shelves. Henke on the other hand wanted to expand the room with another 4 feet. So the debate started back and fourth and as I wrote earlier I have been bedridden with a headcold hopped up on nightquil and other American drugs. During this time Henke made the decision to tear it down! So this morning in my robe and slippers I snuck down the stairs to the flat below which will be our new home in 2 months time, and low and behold the wall was down. I have to be honest my husband was right those 4 extra feet really make a difference! Now I just need a colour scheme for the walls, suggestions? Yes please!
Thursday, 23 February 2012
The head cold
Day two of the head cold of the century, I have the best husband who came home from work to watch the kids! So although I've been in a head cold haze I've tried to keep my spirits up. Spring is around the corner, the twins are speaking more and becoming more independent and little Kalle is finally here after months of anticipation!
Girls night
Last night some of the girls and I, Anna C, Azade, Asa j, Lydia, Sara and Sylwia got together for a movie night , and Of course the coffee table was full of snacks containing enough calories to fuel an expedition to the ends of the earth. As they arrived I busied myself in the kitchen as usual and reached for the everyday dessert plates and stopped suddenly remembering the hand-painted china we had inherited from mor mor Hulda. I quickly went to our china cupboard and counted out seven white plates with Hulda's motives decorated on them, and I found myself lost in a warm and fuzzy moment. I envisioned Hulda carrying the plates as I was, into her sitting room where a group of her friends sat at one of their regular quilting bees. I realized that these plates have now joined their next circle of friends. And then I thought Hulda is looking down with the biggest and proudest smile right now
Monday, 20 February 2012
Support school
This week I've been working as a homework helper at support school for those students in jr. High that have fallen behind for different reasons. This is the 10th year I've been involved with the project that was headed up by my former headmaster Anders. Anders is retiring next month so now support school has been transplanted to another school.
I'm sad to think about not working with Anders. It was thanks to him that I was able to go back to school while still working and finish my thesis in didactics.
When I teach psychology A at high school, one of the terms we cover is our "spegaljag" in English our self-image and how we form it by how we perceive: how others see us. In short if we think others look up to us we have a higher opinion of our capabilities than if we perceive that others see us negatively. I have to say that Anders always gave me the feeling that I was capable and that I was worthy. I wish we all had people around us that gave us this impression. It makes me realize that this is how I want to make the people around me feel, I want them to see themselves in my eyes as the best versions of themselves. Just think if I could do that with my students, if they could see themselves as smart and talented and confident just because they believe that is what I think they are...
I feel as if I've had a break through moment in my teaching career right now at this very second as I sit here and write this. And the least I can say is thank you Anders.
I'm sad to think about not working with Anders. It was thanks to him that I was able to go back to school while still working and finish my thesis in didactics.
When I teach psychology A at high school, one of the terms we cover is our "spegaljag" in English our self-image and how we form it by how we perceive: how others see us. In short if we think others look up to us we have a higher opinion of our capabilities than if we perceive that others see us negatively. I have to say that Anders always gave me the feeling that I was capable and that I was worthy. I wish we all had people around us that gave us this impression. It makes me realize that this is how I want to make the people around me feel, I want them to see themselves in my eyes as the best versions of themselves. Just think if I could do that with my students, if they could see themselves as smart and talented and confident just because they believe that is what I think they are...
I feel as if I've had a break through moment in my teaching career right now at this very second as I sit here and write this. And the least I can say is thank you Anders.
Sunday, 19 February 2012
Easy like Sunday morning
I'm nearly done " The Guernsey literary and potato peel pie society" and I'm living it in my head! I'm putting the dishes in the dishwasher and I am picturing the island and the lovely cottage that Elisabeth lived in. The beauty of the novel is it's format. The entire story is told through letters written back and forth between the authoress Juliet, her friends, and the islanders just after ww2.
The letters are like liquid poetry, they conjure up such vivid images that you almost convince yourself you've been to the places they are describing. Which made me think about my iPhone with it's fb app, what's up app, twitter, and SMS. All of which pale in comparison to the eloquent composition between the characters in this book.
Years ago Annelie surprised me with an old fashion typewriter that they found in a flea market in soleftea, and for months after that I used it to type up letters and notes to friends and family. At first the unmistakeable sound of a key striking the paper was sporadic to begin with, but I dare say as with most things, the more I pressed on the more fluid and often the sessions became. That summer I ran into my neighbor in our common courtyard and it was there I was asked the question... "are you working on a novel" ? The rest of the day I found myself walking a little taller. Just the idea of taking on such a feat was enough for me and (still is today), however I miss my little typewriter! It ran out of ribbon and I put it away on the shelf until I could order some more. I'm afraid it hasn't made it out of the box since then. But hopefully , that will all change, and it will once again be perched on my desk near the window in my new office.
Henke came home with small black box the other day, it was screaming for some creative decoupage attention, and now I know what it will house: my stationery for all those notes that hopefully will be banged out on my vintage typewriter!
I'm excited just thinking about that lovely strike sound again! Not to mention the delightful ding at the end of each sentence, as if it were a positive reinforcement to keep on going;)
The letters are like liquid poetry, they conjure up such vivid images that you almost convince yourself you've been to the places they are describing. Which made me think about my iPhone with it's fb app, what's up app, twitter, and SMS. All of which pale in comparison to the eloquent composition between the characters in this book.
Years ago Annelie surprised me with an old fashion typewriter that they found in a flea market in soleftea, and for months after that I used it to type up letters and notes to friends and family. At first the unmistakeable sound of a key striking the paper was sporadic to begin with, but I dare say as with most things, the more I pressed on the more fluid and often the sessions became. That summer I ran into my neighbor in our common courtyard and it was there I was asked the question... "are you working on a novel" ? The rest of the day I found myself walking a little taller. Just the idea of taking on such a feat was enough for me and (still is today), however I miss my little typewriter! It ran out of ribbon and I put it away on the shelf until I could order some more. I'm afraid it hasn't made it out of the box since then. But hopefully , that will all change, and it will once again be perched on my desk near the window in my new office.
Henke came home with small black box the other day, it was screaming for some creative decoupage attention, and now I know what it will house: my stationery for all those notes that hopefully will be banged out on my vintage typewriter!
I'm excited just thinking about that lovely strike sound again! Not to mention the delightful ding at the end of each sentence, as if it were a positive reinforcement to keep on going;)
Saturday, 18 February 2012
The fact that we are moving has started to sink in.... Lately, I've been dragging my feet about it, piling up the lists of "to do lists"in my head. But after a short fika with the wonderful Anna this past Thursday I've readjusted my faulty perspective and have begun to see all of the exciting adventures and moments ahead that accompany the task of setting up a home. I've decided that this time round, our home is going to tell our story, who we are and how we live. The things that evoke memories of dear ones and fond moments will receive a place of honor in our new home. It was because of Anna, and the tour I was giving her of the apartment that I realized ... Our home can tell our story and I found myself smiling both on the inside and the outside remembering things that these objects triggered and, that my friends, is what I want to take with us in the new flat. The curio cabinet that Annelie, Maria and I found at the gnistan loppis, how Annelie found a great 1930's sideboard for her sweaters and how poor Oscar had to cut a hole in the wall going up the stairs in order to move it. ( thank goodness they were in the middle of renovating and the stairs were on the list;) The handcrafted chair that we inherited from morfar Behard a testament of his kindness to whom my twin boys share their middle name after. The glasses hauled all the way from Canada in my mother suitcases, the sewing cart in teak that my mother organized for me and fixed the tough drawer by rubbing a bar of soap on the edges of the side pieces. A trick taught to her by my paternal grandfather: Joseph a carpenter and truly the most resourceful and inventive thinker I have ever met in my life. The red glass strawberries bought at the loppis with my girls, remembering the coffee and muffins shared under the shade of a large tree at the loppis in ronneby brunn as we talked about our week, planned for the next, showed each other our finds and anticipated the next trip around the tables. I come to think of the Danish melamine camping set in cream orange and brown that I found for Zoe. And how months later I was overjoyed to hear that her and her family used them everyday of their camping trip. Knowing that when she uses these plates she might also recall the shade of that giant oak gives me that warm and fuzzy feeling.
Last week I created one of these memories with Asa J, Sylvia, Zoe and myself while we set up the wallpaper in my soon to be office. We had the music on and as always when the women in my life get together we laugh and drink of each others positive energy!! I'm secretly hoping that some of it fastened itself in the wallpaper glue and will taint the atmosphere so that every thing I write in that room will be laced with that priceless glow of all those evenings spent with the amazing friends in my life.
The adventure has begun and I'm ready for it!
Last week I created one of these memories with Asa J, Sylvia, Zoe and myself while we set up the wallpaper in my soon to be office. We had the music on and as always when the women in my life get together we laugh and drink of each others positive energy!! I'm secretly hoping that some of it fastened itself in the wallpaper glue and will taint the atmosphere so that every thing I write in that room will be laced with that priceless glow of all those evenings spent with the amazing friends in my life.
The adventure has begun and I'm ready for it!
Sunday, 29 January 2012
Alvin and the Chipmunks!
Saturday, 28 January 2012
Debbie downer!!
These past few weeks have been so exciting ... But instead we got stuck in red tape! I'm usually the last person to give up hoping for the best but tonight the wind is just out of my sail! Well girls we had fun planning the trip!
Sunday, 15 January 2012
Sunday, 8 January 2012
The Closet!

No I'm not coming out of it...rather trying to get into it! So far my 15 min organizing stint everyday has been a success, today I finally got into my closet, the clutter of old clothes, skinny clothes, and summer clothes are now organized away! Kind of feel like super women at the moment! Which makes me look forward to next months resolution, getting back into running! So the lovely Helena found a great website and shared it with me it was called couch to 5km in eight weeks, so technically it would be for the next month as well as March! I saw the greatest organization tip yesterday it was a way to organize scarfs! Guess what I'm going to buy on my lunch break? Check out the photo! I love this, I think it's something I'm going to have to share with the girls, as we are all addicted to scarves at the moment! Okay back to work! There is a back to work/school bag waiting for me to pack!
Monday, 2 January 2012
My laptop old Friend

Today I organized my purse! And yes when I put everything out on the table that I had in there it was an OMG moment! I think the best was that blue candy dish, yes that was in there! So I have a question for you... What's in your purse?
Last night Henke and I were going over paint and tile colours and by accident when I went to move my screen I heard a crack and suddenly my screen was black with a bunch of rainbow colored lines here and there.
My first reaction was to panic! Fingers crossed! It will be working again in 3 weeks.
Oh I almost forgot! My high school friend Karin, decided to have 12 New Year's resolutions one for each month, and I thought that was a fantastic idea! So for January I will spend 15 minutes organizing something... hense the purse! But boy does it feel great afterwards,,, and everyone has 15 minutes to spare! So here comes question 2 - What is your new month resolution?
Passport Time

Today I spent an hour waiting to have my passport photo taken, and yet once again, I look like a deer caught in headlights! Then it dawned on me this is probably quite close to how I actually look when heading off the long haul flights back home, especially when we fly with the kids.
Today I spent time enjoying my girlfriends that came over for waffels and coffee, instead of running around and cleaning the house. After they left I put the little ones down for a nap and Alfred helped me clean the kitchen. How nice I thought! Wrong in the mean time the twins had both taken off their diapers and poohed on the floor and bed! It was another hour until I got them and the room sorted out! God give me the strenght!
Tonight I'm listening to my own advice and I am going to go to bed early, so I can get a head start on the million of organization projects that are waiting for my attention.
Sunday, 1 January 2012
The New Year Resolutions... again and again

Once again here we are the first of January and already those New Year resolutions I set feel as if they are fleeting away. So here I sit and write, in order to help find that motivation to get started! This year I want to: 1. Stay organized 2. Listen and ask Questions and 3. Enjoy the little things!
I found a Vlog while surfing over the holidays called Organized Mummy http://www.youtube.com/user/Malitose79 and I am totally addicted! Not only is she hilarious but she is resourceful too! Many of the things that she suggests don’t translate to my life here in Sweden but I appreciate the encouragement! If you get a chance check her out! She gives 1 minute tips of the day that are always fun to watch.
So, enjoy the little things.. today it was spending a lazy day with my family in pj's. I made Alfred his favorite breakfast cream of wheat and apple sause and watched Cars for the 109th time with a latte and 3 satisfied kids! The listen and ask questions, I tried to start a dialog with someone in my family via sms over the past 2 days. We haven't really talked for 5 years and I have no idea why? Maybe this is a good start. 3. Getting organized I am going to go through all of my documents and put them in the right folders, as well as get rid of old email in my inbox! Cheers and happy New Year!
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